
Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Welcome to the LevelUp Retreat 2025, a gaming retreat designed to provide an enjoyable and memorable experience for all attendees. Our primary goal is to create a fun and engaging environment where attendees can play games and participate in events with notable members of the board game industry.


To ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment, we expect all attendees to adhere to the following guidelines:


Conflict Resolution

Respect for others is paramount at the LevelUp Retreat 2025. Attendees must treat others with respect and comply with the wishes of those around them. If a situation cannot be resolved through discussion or if assistance is required, please notify the LevelUp staff, and we will work to resolve the issue. Attendees who fail to comply with these guidelines or with staff instructions may be asked to leave the event, and authorities may be contacted if necessary.


Food and Drink

There are dining options at the hotel, and dozens of nearby restaurants nearby. Outside food and drink, including deliveries, may be brought into the hotel, but must be consumed in designated eating areas only.


Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking is not allowed in the building, and attendees who wish to smoke must do so outside, adhering to the state law (TCA Section 39-17-1804) to prevent smoke from wafting back into the facility. Alcoholic beverages purchased at the hotel bar are allowed during gaming, but no outside alcohol is permitted. Any illegal drugs are strictly prohibited from the event.



Photographs will be taken throughout the event for promotional purposes and shared with our sponsors. By attending the event, you consent to the use of your image in this manner.



Attendees are welcome to bring their own games to the event. In addition, the Gaming Library will be available for use. We ask that all attendees treat the games, of other attendees or from the library, with care and respect. Due to limited storage space, we suggest attendees limit the number of games they bring to the event and keep them in their car or hotel room as much as possible.



Anyone under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult to attend the event. We welcome any gamer who has the attention span and ability to understand the objectives of the game. If a child under the age of 16 wants to play a game from the main gaming library, we ask that the game be checked out for them and played with an adult or at the table next to them.


Health And Hygiene

As attendees at the LevelUp Retreat 2025, we understand that time can slip away when you’re immersed in gaming and making the most of the experience. In order to prioritize the health and safety of all participants, we strongly recommend following the ‘refresh and recharge’ rule: aim for at least six hours of sleep, two meals a day, and one shower per day. If you notice any attendee with a hygiene or health concern, please don’t hesitate to inform a volunteer or staff member.


Mask wearing is not required for attendance.


Demoing Games

The LevelUp Retreat 2025 policy permits the use of a reasonably sized (a table sign or a small pop-up banner) for demoing games.


Games With Adult Themes

We understand that some games cater to an adult audience and may contain mature themes and explicit content that could potentially offend other attendees. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we kindly request that all participants exercise discretion when playing such games. Please be mindful of your surroundings and ensure that all players are comfortable with the subject matter.


Disruptive Behavior

We reserve the right to intervene if a game is deemed disruptive to the event or its attendees. 

Our staff and volunteers may ask you to discontinue any game that jeopardizes the safety and enjoyment of others. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all attendees.


Thank You

We hope that everyone attending LevelUp Retreat 2025 will have a wonderful time, and we appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines.


Feb 2-4, 2023

Delta Hotels Marriott Woodbridge, NJ


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400 Central Ave STE 6 | Farmingdale, NJ 07727 US